Team Cottage Lake Terrain Generator Documentation

If Terraria had an ugly step-brother.



• TileMap
• ShapeGen
• TerrainGenerator


• Tutorials
• Demo

Authors: Camden Brewster and Matthew Munson

This project was created during Spring Quarter of the 2019-2020 academic year at the University of Washington Bothell. It's built on a game engine used in Professor Kelvin Sung's CSS-452 Game Engine Development course, and is primarily written in javascript. The code for this project is completely open source but the art is not our own. Artists are cited where possible, and textures borrowed from Minecraft are under Fair Use.

What is this terrain generator for?

The user should note that this terrain generator is not optimized for real-time generation, and it may lack some of the features provided by the generators used in Terraria and Minecraft. However, the simplicity of our three-class generator makes it suitable for the following uses:

• Generating terrain, then modifying it for use in a game with a static world
• Featuring simple terrain generation in a technical demo
• Learning about the inner-workings of a terrain generator and modifying our code for your own purposes.

Listed below are the descriptions for the three javascript classes included in our API. Detailed documentation is available for each function, and tutorials and demos are provided to get you started.


This class creates a grid of tiles on which textures can be placed. This is the foundation for a game like Terraria, as blocks can be placed or removed from any part of the map. The TileMap allows for adding and removing tiles, and also includes a tool for optimized collision detection. Users who wish to modify terrain in real time can connect the TileMap to their user interface for easy editing.


This class provides tools for drawing tiled shapes. It can be used as a stand-alone class for drawing on a tileMap, but its main purpose is to serve as an intermediary between the terrain generation logic and the tile map. Rectangles, triangles, and circles are supported, and shapes can be drawn with simple colors or textures. We recommend that anyone looking to modify the terrain generator start by drawing a few shapes with ShapeGen.


This class provides the tools and logic to generate realistic terrain. We intentionally chose a small but versatile set of functions that make it easy to start creating worlds while not imposing restrictions on creativity. The Terrain Generator's functions can be broken up into the following categories:

• Laying the Foundation: Generate flat, bumpy, or hilly terrain at any Y-coordinate.
• Painting the world: Apply textures to ranges of Y coordinates or layer on textures as if raining from the sky.
• Add the details: Use a versatile "tree" creator to place ground scatter on the surface of the world.

The TerrainGenerator is designed to be as simple as possible and easy to modify. We suggest that users start with the addTree function, as this can be tweaked to create any shape desired.